Monday, January 24, 2011


Heath is two.  Time does fly.  He was just 5 months when we moved to Maine, and now we realize he's lived most of his life here. Those of you who keep up with the blog will find it no surprise that he weighed in at 35lbs at his two year doctors appointment.  Finn is also 35lbs and almost 2 years older.  He's still on track to be our hockey player - although he's yet to be on skates.

He's still very active and vocal.  He loves boats and trains. His new thing is to run full speed across the room and bowl you over with a big hug.  It's very cute, but if you don't know it's coming, his 35lbs of freight train can also bowl you over!

For his birthday, the cake making tradition continued and Patrick made Heath a boat cake.  You'll note two cakes in the pictures as I decided at midnight the night before to make use of the leftover cake and make my own boat cake.  You'll see there's a reason that Patrick does the cake making in the family.

We spent Heath's birthday celebrating with Trish (our nanny) and Kevin (her husband).  It was a perfect evening with Trish's homemade lasagna (Heath's favorite food) and good friends that have grown to become  just like family.

Patrick's speed boat...

Patrick referred to my boat as a tugboat (sad)

Heath seeing the cakes for the first time! "Doot cake!"

Trish, Kev and the family

I couldn't resist, but to pull some pics to highlights Heath's changes over the past year. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday Heath Bar! We love You!

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