Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Good Life

We set off for vacation number two. Yes, another vacation just weeks apart from the Cape.  Lucky for us I know. This time we headed to West Virginia to meet with 38 other members from Patrick's family.  Imagine this...43 people, together for a week,  with 36 under one roof.  15 were kids.  14 under the age of 6. No fights, no tension.  an easy pace. I know, you can't imagine it, but this is how it all went down.  really. I consider myself lucky to have married into such utopia. We hiked, swam, rode horses and paddle boats, visited the Good zoo, golfed, went to the spa, mini-golfed, played games, ate, ate some more, and hung out. delightful.  Thank you to Ogelbay, the plethora of deer, and mostly to the entire family for a truly wonderful, easy, and carefree vacation.

Biding time at Logan airport.

 Aunt Colleen and cousin Ryan
 Grammy and Ryan
 Lucy, Lex, Emme, and Lily
 Lily, Lex and Finn  (Lex and Lily took about 4 minutes to become fast friends.)

 Lily and Finn --love this one.
 The Radkowski clan
Chris and Luke
The Funari clan
 BJ, Lucy and Dana
 Kevin, Bobbe Jo and Ethan
 Chris, Jenny and Norah

 Marsha, Matt and Jillian
Adam and Erik

 BJ and Patrick
 The Lennon clan

 Uncle Dennis and Lucy
 Uncle Chip and Norah
 Grammy and Aunt Carol
 The four siblings
 The mini Lennon clan

1 comment:

  1. Wow, everyone looks so great! And the kids are all so big!
    Looks like you all had a great vaca.
