Monday, January 9, 2012

Holidays in Review

Well hello.  I do still exist.  A couple things to confess...
1.) I kicked off being healthy again right before Thanksgiving, meaning something had to give if I was going to fit in working out.  The give was the blog (among other things).
2.) Our home computer (circa 2002) is limping along on its last breathe, making it difficult to do almost anything on it, like writing a blog entry. :)
3.) We had 8 straight days of visits around the holidays.  Wonderful and fun visits, but there was definitely no time for blogging during that time.
4.) Did I mention my baking addiction that sucks up any other free moment I have that I am not working, with the kids, or working out?
5.) I am already back in the swing of 2012 craziness at work and about to kick-off 6 trips (yes, I said 6). I am dreading them.

So, here I am, remembering the reason I started this blog was to serve as a way to keep folks up to speed on the kids as well as serve as the baby (and growing child) book I never made. With that in mind, I can't really get away with "skipping" December.  How would I explain that to the kids as they read the archives? So let me catch up in brief.

We chose a new tree farm this year for our Christmas tree. While the place we've going to for the past two years was really pretty spectacular, we were feeling like we needed to give them a break to grow some more trees. Last year felt too much like a tree hunt. Not sure why we think us not getting a tree there will enable them all to grow back, but it seemed like a good argument at the time. :) Drawn by their free hot chocolate and cookies, we found another place that sounded great just 15 minutes away.

No snow for the event this year.  In fact, we've had three snow falls of significance to date (as of Jan 9th).  I'm not complaining, but let's just say it's not quite a normal Winter here in Maine. Below we search for the "perfect" tree.  I have to mention that there were several dozens of perfect trees at this tree farm.  It almost made it harder since there were really too many to pick from.  They must shape their trees as they grow.  Every tree seemed perfectly tapered.

Posing in front of "the" tree.

 Enjoying the post-cut hot cocoa.
 Hot cocoa happy face!
That afternoon we visited Santa in the usual red hut.  Finn, Lex and Heath practiced what they would say to Santa on the car ride there...

Lex: A head lamp (yup, we officially live in Maine and her dad does work for LLBean after all)
Finn: A race car he can drive in (hmmmmm)
Heath: A choo choo train

The visit went over well. No tears and everyone sat on Santa's lap (including Heath this year), and asked with their best pleases and thank-yous for their items they practiced.   

1 comment:

  1. So great to see an update from you - kids are as cute as ever! Happy new year to you all! :)
