Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween Part III - The Extended Holiday

You probably remember from last year's Triple Treat post that IDEXX invites employee children to trick-or-treat through out the building. While a bit crazy, it's a blast. The kids love to trick-or-treat with out coats and no darkness. Top it all off with a pizza party in the end.  Makes for some pretty happy kids. 

Spidey Finn makes his Halloween debut.

No shocker that nanny extraordinaire, Trish,  stepped up to make Heath the most amazing Train costume! We couldn't get him to wear it beyond the pics below, but I'm sure it will stick around for dress up for awhile. Quite amazing, with a real light in the front that turns on and off. Records for wheels. She could go into business doing this stuff really.

We were able to convince Heath that in order to get candy he did have to wear the conductor outfit.  He'll do almost anything for candy.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Heath's outfit is rockin!
    They're all so damn cute.
