Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Noah's Arc

It rained for 40 days and 40 nights on Noah's Arc, right? I think we're getting close here. I can't remember the last day it didn't rain actually. It's been raining for over 10 days now. Beyond that I've lost count. Lexi said today, "It will never be a nice day again mommy." I guess this is practice for Maine Winters?! Anyway, we've been making the best of it. Ultimately, Lex and Finn are not that bothered by the rain...


  1. Love the video!! Oh, I miss them! =( (and you of course!) It's raining here too if that makes you feel any better. Hope it clears up in time for the 4th!

  2. Hi Lex and Finn,

    Your Mom just showed me this video of you playing in the rain puddles. It's so good to see you playing even if it is only in a video.

    We miss you sooooooooooo much!

    I hope the sun chases away the rain and you find a playground near your house.

    lots of love and kisses,


  3. Your other grandparents miss you also. We love to see pictures and videos of you. Give baby Heath a big hug and kiss from us.

    Grammy and Pappy

  4. Hello!!! I miss you guys so much! Sorry for all the rain, I'll send the sun your way. Hope all is well and hope to see you all soon!

