When asked Lexi 2 months ago what she wanted to do for her birthday she said she wanted a butterfly birthday cake and a bounce house. She asked, we delivered. We knew she wouldn't change her mind. She never does. The kids had a blast and we were lucky to have a beautiful Maine day. Lucky to have Trish design yet another round of beautiful invitations.
Yes, two different invitation because we couldn't choose just one. They were too cute!
Two Cakes--one by mom and one by dad. And cupcakes to ensure we covered all our friends' dietary needs. Everyone was all sugared up.
The obligatory Lennon art project...
The giant bounce house!You can see in the left corner that it was almost as tall as our house.
One thing to note is that Lexi did not want to open her birthday presents at her party. She saved them for her real birthday. I have no idea where she got "present patience" from. That clearly is NOT from me. Much love to Lex on her special day!