My friend Claire keeps asking whether the rest of our family made it to Maine with us. She is referring to the cats actually. Since they haven't made an appearance on the blog, she's wondering if they are truly here and where they sit within our family hierarchy. The truth is, as all cat owners know, our cats actually run our house. They live the best lives of anyone in our family--sleeping 20-22 hours of the day, recipients of ongoing pets from everyone, and gallivanting at all hours of the night when everyone else is asleep (allowing them to do whatever they please). There may be the occasional time when Finny chases them or Heath grabs on and doesn't let go, but for the most part, they actually run the show here. Do not be mistaken--they are alive and well and enjoying their time in Maine. In this picture, Mickel snuggles with Heath's walking toy. (Sorry Clarie, photos of Levi to follow. Gotta keep you coming back....)
Finally! :) Nice to see that Mickel and Levy chose to come to Maine with you, instead of taking to the rails like hobos or something. Very cute photo. Thank you.