We live in a salt box house, which means most rooms are corner rooms and have lots of windows. My office (I work from home now) has three windows, two of which look out on our front lawn. I left for minutes to clear my lunch today. When I came back there were 23, yes 23, wild turkeys out my window. I sort of felt like they were flaunting the fact that they made it past Thanksgiving. Curious to find out what their deal was, I googled them and learned that

turkeys have 5,000-6,000 feathers! I also learned that the record-sized adult male wild turkey, according to the National Wildlife Turkey Federation, was 38 lb. Not sure I want any of those 38 lb turkeys on my front lawn.
Some other interesting facts I learned...Male turkeys are polygamous, so they form territories that may have as many as 5 hens within them. Male Wild Turkeys display for females by puffing out their feathers, spreading out their tails and dragging their wings. This behavior is most commonly referred to as strutting.
Working from home definitely adds a twist to life....

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