After seeing over 70 houses, we finally have purchased a new home and closed on Friday. We had no idea that it would take 4+ months to purchase a house here in Maine. We closed Friday morning and we have already embarked on renovations. We are replacing carpet with floor in 2 of the bedrooms, painting everywhere we can and we will soon begin basement renovations for a guest suite (including a full bath) and family/play room. We need to make sure we can house you all when you come visit, right?

The house sits on just under 2 acres, which we've learned is actually a smaller plot of land here in Maine. It's a nice jump from our little piece of yard (that we loved) in Evanston. We'll have a nice lawn to care for, gardens and then some forest for the kids to explore. The neighbors have already started showing up to introduce themselves, many with kids. Hooray! The two girls next door wanted to know when Lexi could come over and play.
So lots to do still, but at least it's in motion. We'll provide some snapshots along the way. Until then, here's a photo of the front. We're looking forward to having some visitors once we actually move in (Nov 15th) and get settled.
Did I mentioned that all of our external doors to the house (including the garage doors) are eggplant purple? Lexi is in heaven!
Nana and Pop-Pop also came to visit and to help over the weekend. They were able to trick-or-treat with us and spend time with the kids while Patrick and I worked on the house. Here Nana (witch), Finn (lion), and Lexi (Ariel) trick-or-treat together. Heath stars as a dragon below.

Gretchen - if you are reading this - we miss having your photos! These just don't compare.