Lexi turned four on September 14th.
I'm sure all parents know what I mean when I say that I can remember the day she was born like it just happened last week. I remember the drive on LSD from Evanston to Prentice hospital in Chicago. I remember calling our parents and our best friends to say we were on our way--that she was on her way. I remember seeing her for the first time and wondering how I could love someone so intensely that I'd hardly known and that I'd really just met. Those first funny weeks when everything was new and an adventure. Changing diapers for the first time, bathing her for the first time. Asking everyone everything because we knew nothing.
And now she's four and we're still on an adventure. For her birthday she asked for a princess cake. Patrick made her a stunning cake! Sam, Jen, and Jess joined us for the festivities (and our Realtor, Rita, too). In school she was the line leader and 20 kids sang happy birthday--probably her proudest moment. She is still talking about it. Happy Birthday Lexi!
The happy birthday girl.
Lexi helping to create her princess cake
Patrick working on the princess dress
Here's the final princess cake!
Let's not forget her favorite gift - the princess music box.