So I know right now that about 60% of you think one thing when you read penguin, and the other 40% think something else. Well, in this case, I'm not referring to the cute black and white, waddling, feathery friend. I'm referring to the hockey Penguin. Patrick keeps on calling Heath our "hockey player". I just smile and say "ah huh." But then we came back from his 6 month check-up recently and now I'm starting to think he may just be our hockey player. Not to bore you with details that mean nothing to most, but Heath - he's off the charts for height and in the 90th percentile for both weight and head. For inquiring minds, here are the stats:
29 3/4 inches (I swear there may be 2 year olds that are not that long yet)
19 lbs 11ounces (why oh why are we still trying to carry him in the baby car seat?)
So stay tuned. We'll let you know how he does on skates.